Ferries Marseille Ajaccio

Select trip from/to
Select route
Select date of departure
Select passengers and vehicle Select passengers and vehicle for the outward route
Select passengers and vehicle for the return route
Number of passengers:
under 11

Indicate the age of passengers in years already completed at the time of travel


You can keep your pet in your cabin by choosing the accommodation indicated as "Pet Access". Alternatively, pets can travel in special areas on board


Select passengers X

Adults Age 12 and over
Children Ages 4 – 11
Infants under 3


You can keep your pet in your cabin by choosing the accommodation indicated as "Pet Access". Alternatively, pets can travel in special areas on board


Please select the type of vehicle
Do you have a vehicle? X


 From June 1th to September 30th, The Concell Insular de Formentera regulates the entry of motor vehicles on the island. See more.
During the restricted period, access, circulation and parking are not allowed to the following vehicles:
- Rental vehicles which have not been rented in Formentera
- Quads
- Caravans and campers
Remember that it is mandatory to access to the formentera.eco page.

Make and model enable us to correctly calculate the size of your vehicle

Lenght (cm)
height (cm)
How many:

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Ferries Marseille Ajaccio Ferry companies timetables and offers on MrFerry!

Want to travel from France to Corsica? We have just the thing for you! On MrFerry you'll find all your favourite ferry routes, companies, and timetables!

The Marseille Ajaccio route is served by two shipping companies: Corsica Linea and La Meridionale. It is one of the busiest routes for these two destinations, rich in history and culture.

🗓️ Corsica Linea operates the route all year round, with 3 crossings per week lasting 12 hours and 45 minutes. La Meridionale also operates the route throughout the year, with 4 crossings per week lasting an average of 12 hours and 30 minutes.

Both shipping companies operate the routes at night so that passengers do not miss a single day of their holiday.

🚗 The ships used on the Marseille Ajaccio route are all fast cruisers and have large garages for passengers' vehicles. You can travel with the vehicle of your choice: car, motorbike, camper van, scooter, or trailer.

TIP: Due to the busy nature of the route, especially in the summer months, we recommend that you arrive at the port at least two hours before the departure time stated on your ticket, especially if you are travelling with an accompanying vehicle.

🐶 Want to travel with your pet? You've come to the right place! Both companies operating on this route allow pets on board. They will not be able to access the public or dining areas of the ships, but they will have special areas on both the outside and inside decks.

Assistance services and cabins with special equipment for passengers with reduced mobility will be available upon request and reservation.

Ferries Marseille Ajaccio On board services

On the ferries that operate the Marseille Ajaccio route, you will find a wide range of services that will allow you to spend the hours of the crossing in total relaxation and comfort.

🍷 There are restaurants, both à la carte and self-service, bars and cafeterias where you can enjoy a hot or cold meal. The on-board catering offers a variety of menus, both special and traditional, including children's dishes. The sun decks on the outer decks allow you to enjoy the wonderful views of France, Corsica, and Italy as they are so close.

There are also special children's areas, lounges with video games, swimming pools, live shows and cinemas. Everything is there to keep you entertained!

Corsica Linea and La Meridionale offer their passengers a wide range of accommodation to choose from and find the one that suits them best!

🛏️ You can choose the basic deck passage, the most economical solution, which has no assigned seat but allows access to different areas of the ship. Seats are reclining, one per passenger, and are usually located in air-conditioned areas of the ship. On the other hand, if you want some privacy and comfort, we recommend that you book a cabin for your exclusive use. Cabins can be double, triple, quadruple, outside or inside, family or deluxe suites.

🐶 Have you decided to take your pet with you on your trip? You can book a place in the ship's kennels, which are always open to pet owners who want to visit their puppy. We recommend to book in advance, because they sell out quickly.

Remember to bring everything you need to board your pet: it must be on the ticket, have a leash, a muzzle if required, a pet carrier if it is a cat, and the necessary health documentation.

Buy your Marseille Ajaccio ferry ticket now on MrFerry and go to Corsica at unbeatable prices! On MrFerry, the booking process is quick and easy, and you receive an immediate confirmation by email! And if you want more information, don't hesitate to contact our call centre!

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