Ferries Civitavecchia Golfo Aranci Ferry companies timetables and offers on Mr Ferry!
Civitavecchia-Golfo Aranci is one of the shortest route between the mainland and Sardinia. This route is an alternative to the more known Civitavecchia-Olbia, being the two sardinian ports just 15 minutes away from each other.
The crossing is performed from July to September by Sardinia Ferries, which offers 3 departures a week, generally in the afternoon, of the duration of around 5 hours.

Ferries Civitavecchia Golfo Aranci On board services
These ferries are designed to carry both vehicles and passengers and offer a wide range of on-board services, such as snack bars, restaurants, shops, indoor playgrounds for children and outside decks with swimming pool. Wi-Fi is available for a fee.
The accommodations vary from the simple deck accommodation to private internal or external cabins with facilities, but also air-conditioned salons with reserved seats.
Pets are allowed on the deck and in some internal areas; all cabins are also equipped to welcome your four-legged friend. No baggage limit is applied.
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