Ferries Corfu Trieste Ferry companies timetables and offers on MrFerry!
If you're planning your next vacation to Corfù in Greece you must know that the route Trieste Corfù and return has been cancelled. The active departing ports are: Bari, Ancona and Otranto.
If you chose to depart from the port of Ancona, you wil travel with the ferry companies Minoan Lines or Anek Lines, both travel 2 times per week. The navigation lasts about 15 hours with Anek Lines and 19 hours with Minoan Lines.
From Bari to Corfù you can chose between Ventouris Ferries that travel 4 times a week and takes 10 hours to reach Greece and Anek Lines which travel once a week and has a navigation time of about 8 hours.
During high season Liberty Lines performs the Otranto Corfù route with its fast ferries.This crossing is perfomed almost every day during summer season and the navigation lasts about 4 hours.
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