Valencia Formentera departures Alternative connections and routes

At the moment the Valencia Formentera ferry route is not active but thanks to MrFerry you can find with a few simple clicks some great travel alternatives at really affordable prices!

If you wish to depart from the closest active port to Valencia then you should travel to Denia which is about 1 hours and 30 minutes drive away via the E15. The Denia Formentera connections run all year round and are offered by the company Balearia, which guarantees daily departures! Another alternative could be for you the Barcelona Formentera ferry route, but the journey could be quite long.

As your last option, reach the nearby island of Ibiza from Valencia on board the ferries of Trasmed, GNV or Balearia shipping companies. Once you disembark in Ibiza, the connections to Formentera will be super fast, frequent and quite cheap!

Are you finally planning your vacation to Formentera? Buy your ferry ticket now on MrFerry and secure the best fare! Would you like more information? Contact our customer service, an operator will provide you with all the assistance you need!

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