Ferries Trieste Durres

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Select passengers and vehicle Select passengers and vehicle for the outward route
Select passengers and vehicle for the return route
Number of passengers:
under 11

Indicate the age of passengers in years already completed at the time of travel


You can keep your pet in your cabin by choosing the accommodation indicated as "Pet Access". Alternatively, pets can travel in special areas on board


Select passengers X

Adults Age 12 and over
Children Ages 4 – 11
Infants under 3


You can keep your pet in your cabin by choosing the accommodation indicated as "Pet Access". Alternatively, pets can travel in special areas on board


Please select the type of vehicle
Do you have a vehicle? X


 From June 1th to September 30th, The Concell Insular de Formentera regulates the entry of motor vehicles on the island. See more.
During the restricted period, access, circulation and parking are not allowed to the following vehicles:
- Rental vehicles which have not been rented in Formentera
- Quads
- Caravans and campers
Remember that it is mandatory to access to the formentera.eco page.

Make and model enable us to correctly calculate the size of your vehicle

Lenght (cm)
height (cm)
How many:

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Ferries Trieste Durres Ferry companies timetables and offers on Mr Ferry!

The crossing Trieste Durres connects Italy to Albania and it is managed by the ferry company Adria Ferries.

The Trieste Durres line is active all year round with 1 departure per week. Crossings are always scheduled in the evening in order to travel overnight and have a navigation time of about 30 hours. 

Ferries Trieste Durres On board services

The Trieste Durres ferries carry both passengers and vehicles. On the ships of the shipping company  Adria Ferries, several services are available to passengers: café, restaurant, self-service restaurant, Tv salon with air conditioning, toilets, kid's playground and some ships also have boutiques. 

Passengers can travel on deck accommodation, book a recliner seat or travel in total privacy and tranquillity in a cabin with private restroom. Guests with reduced mobility can request assistance and book a special cabin for their specific needs.

Pets are welcome on board the Trieste Durres ferries. They can travel in the on-board kennels or in pet-friendly cabins  for which a reservation is always recommended.

Book now your ferry from Trieste to Durres on MrFerry, best offers are always up to date!

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